
Reaching out to the World, Forging Ahead Shoulder to Shoulder


The Bagre Reclamation Project, an agricultural development program on the west bank of Burkina Faso’s Nakambe River, is an example of friendly cooperation between Taiwan and Burkina Faso. Other areas of cooperation include programs for medical aid, combating desertification, and promoting the establishment of small-scale clothes factories, as well as other programs designed to improve people’s lives. President Chen, accompanied by local government officials, is pictured in the project area under a scorching sun.


The greatness of Pope John Paul II lay in the example he set for the world in four aspects: ridding fear with courage, dissolving hatred with love, overcoming conflict with peace, and replacing confrontation with reconciliation. Moreover, the Pontiff had devoted his life to caring for the poor and the disadvantaged with leniency and passion, and to pursuing peace and freedom. This photo shows President Chen on the funeral mass of the Pope.

First Lady Wu Shu-jen led a delegation from Taiwan to the Paralympics in Athens, Greece. Despite some minor occurrences that obstructed Taiwan’s participation in some of the activities, the delegation was able to fulfill their overall mission. The First Lady personally led the delegation to Athens as a sign of her support and recognition of the disabled athletes’ efforts.  

Due to China’s suppression and obstruction of Taiwan’s foreign relations, Taiwan’s First Lady is often called upon to take the place of the President on overseas visits, often with a surprisingly positive outcome. When the First Lady met Pope John Paul II on behalf of President Chen, she congratulated him on the 25th anniversary of his papacy and wished him good health for the future. In return, the Pope expressed his gratitude and extended greetings to Taiwan’s people. This photograph, in which both the Pope and First Lady are in wheelchairs, touched people throughout the world. Both figures symbolize peace, benevolence, and love. In contrast, China’s behavior toward Taiwan is unreasonable and domineering. This distinction was evident to many across the world, marking the First Lady’s trip a victory for Taiwan’s diplomatic relations.  


After addressing the Parliament of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on his trip there, President Chen, accompanied by Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves, visited a produce market nearby. He was warmly welcomed by the people who offered him bananas to eat.


The nine participating leaders are: (from left) Vice Foreign Minister Vargas of Costa Rica, President Maduro of Honduras, Prime Minister Musa of Belize, President Chen of Taiwan, President Bolaños of Nicaragua, President Saca of El Salvador, President Torrijos of Panama, Foreign Minister Briz of Guatemala, and Vice Foreign Minister Guiliani of the Dominican Republic.


Democracy fighter and former Polish President Lech Walesa was invited to attend the Preparatory Conference to Establish the Global Forum on New Democracies. During his stay, President Chen accompanied Walesa to Taipei’s Huasi Street Night Market. Walesa, who hails from a working-class background, found the market novel and friendly.  


The president enjoyed a traditional lunch and chatted with Mr. Huang Kun-bin, the leading character in the documentary Let It Be, and other local people.  


As part of his “Sustainable Peace, Eternal Friendship” tour in May 2006, President Chen attended the inauguration ceremony for Costa Rican President Oscar Arias. During the ceremony, President Chen met Mrs. Laura Bush, First Lady of the U.S. He asked the First Lady to extend his regards to President Bush and invited the couple to visit Taiwan.  


In the Dominican Republic, President Chen met with heads of various nations and attended the inauguration of President Hipólito Mejía.


While attending the funeral of Pope John Paul II, President Chen reflected on the Pope’s contributions to the world in the grand Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. Pope John Paul II devoted his life to improving the plight of the poor and was a strong proponent of peace and freedom. His influence on the world cannot be overstated.


Honduran President Carlos Roberto Flores and President Chen were both born in 1950; they have both acted as parliamentarians in their respective countries, and both belong to political parties affiliated with Liberal International. Similarly, both countries have experienced the process of democratization after a period of authoritarian rule. After more than a half century of authoritarian rule, democracy was restored to Honduras in 1982 and a civilian government has been in place ever since.


President Chen invited former South Korean President Kim Young Sam to the Preparatory Conference to Establish the Global Forum on New Democracies held in January 2007. President Chen asked Kim to convey his best regards to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on his behalf and said he hoped that Secretary-General Ban would be able to assist Taiwan in participating in UN affairs in the future.  


Making the most of the opportunity to taste the American way of life, President Chen and the First Lady donned Texan-style boots and cowboy hats, a novel experience for them both. They enjoyed delicious steaks in the Taste of Texas steakhouse in Houston.


President Chen visited Sangalkam, a village north of Senegal’s capital Dakar, to formally open the new Dakar multipurpose agricultural training center. This photo shows President Chen standing side by side with President Abdoulaye Wade, waving from their vehicle to the welcoming crowds.


President Chen was received by military salute on a trip to El Salvador by President Francisco Flores. President Flores informed President Chen that he had only ever welcomed two other leaders with such a salute, namely the Pope and former US President Clinton. This photo shows, prior to a state banquet in President Chen’s honor, President Flores leading his guest to see the exhibitions in the presidential office.  


When President Chen led a delegation to Chad in 2000, he was the first president of Taiwan to have ever visited the African nation. The President received a warm welcome from people in the Chadian capital of N’Djamena, and later learned that a half-day national holiday had been declared especially for his visit. Even more touching was that President and Mrs. Idriss Deby gave up their official residence for President Chen during his stay, while they themselves stayed in the presidential office. This photo shows President Chen being received by a military salute upon arrival.  


President Chen paid a visit to the pineapple production and marketing group in Chiayi County’s Minsyong Township. He acknowledged the farmers’ creativity and marketing strategies, which have helped regain Taiwan’s reputation as a kingdom of fruit.


The president enjoyed a traditional lunch and chatted with Mr. Huang Kun-bin, the leading character in the documentary Let It Be, and other local people.


President Chen was welcomed to Guatemala by President Óscar Berger Perdomo at the National Culture Palace. The Guatemalan government arranged for a “Roses of Peace” ceremony to be held in the same courtyard. In the simple and solemn ceremony, President Berger removed old roses, which were replaced with fresh ones by President Chen, symbolizing the determination of both countries in the pursuit of peace.  


President Chen, Premier Frank Hsieh, and Chairwoman of the Council of Labor Affairs Chen Chu attended a ceremony launching the Labor Pension Fund, a major step for Taiwan to become a fair and just welfare state. 

矮化!Google Map上 東沙群島屬中國

記者:林上筠 攝影:楊清波 台北 報導

最近上網在Google Maps輸入「東沙群島」,赫然發現,這個隸屬中華民國領土的前線群島,竟被列為「中國廣東省」;由於東沙島僅僅距離廣東汕頭240公里,戰略位置相當重要,我方也設有機場和駐兵;10年前,高雄市長謝長廷更登島掛上「旗津區東沙31號」的門牌,宣誓主權,如今在Google網路被矮化,外交部對此強烈抗議。


去年9月,馬總統上任後,首度到東沙群島慰問官兵,當時他在這個離中國大陸廣東汕頭僅僅260公里的外島,強調前線絕不能鬆懈;當時言猶在耳,但如今 Google Maps上,卻已經將東沙群島列為中國廣東省,明顯矮化台灣。






2011年04月17日 22:40 蘋果即時





BBC台灣特約記者 楊孟瑜:


兩個星期前,陳水扁在台日第15次漁業會談前夕(7月28日)飛到台灣南端的東沙群島" 宣示主權",這次則是到台灣最北端,距離釣魚台只有30海可左右的彭佳嶼巡視。













總統彭佳嶼宣誓釣魚台主權- 我的E政府-台灣年鑑





護漁護主權 總統創例首登彭佳嶼

記者:陳心怡 楊育昇 彭佳嶼 報導




媒體花4個小時坐船,總統可是40分鐘就搭著S70C,史無前例,踏上台灣最北邊的領土彭佳嶼 。





超保密! 總統視察東沙島宣示主權

記者:陳心怡 李國正 報導






Chen: Diaoyutais belong to Taiwan

President Chen Shui-bian, middle back row, poses with members of the coast guard stationed on Pengjia islet yesterday. Chen, who arrived by helicopter, was the first head of state to visit the island.Aug 11, 2005
NO DOUBT: Taiwan's claim was indubitable said the president as he visited Taiwan's northernmost uncontested territory
Thu, Aug 11, 2005 - Page 1
Setting foot on Pengjia islet (彭佳嶼) as the first head of state from Taiwan to ever visit the nation's northernmost territory, President Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) yesterday reiterated Taiwan's sovereignty claim over the Diaoyutai islands (釣魚台).
The Diaoyutais, about 141km from Pengjia, are at the center of a sovereignty dispute between Taiwan and Japan -- which calls them the Senkaku -- and a quarrel over fishing rights.
Accompanied by both Minister of National Defense Lee Jye (李傑) and chief of the Coast Guard Administration Hsu Hui-yu (許惠祐), Chen's high-profile visit to Pengjia yesterday was the second time in a fortnight he had visited Taiwan's remote territories, having visited the southerly Pratas Islands on July 28.
"The Diaoyutais belong to us, belong to Taiwan, there is no doubt about it ... I'm here to show our determination to protect our territory," Chen said.
The chain has, in recent months, became a thorn in the side of Taiwan-Japan relations after local fishermen held a large-scale demonstration last month to protest what they called unfair treatment at the hands of the Japanese coast guard.
Stating that Taiwan and Japan's conflicting claims to the Diaoyutais was a matter separate from that of fishing rights, the president said major local fishermen's associations have also thrown their support behind the government's "separate handling" stance and added that his administration would do whatever it could to secure the best possible benefits for local fishermen in negotiations with Japan.
Chen said that although the 15th round of Taiwan-Japan fishery talks in Tokyo on July 29 reached "no significant breakthrough" given the complexity and sensitivities of issues involved such as overlapping economic zones and conflicting territorial claims, "progress is considered being made so long as we continue to hold talk and keep talking."
"Taiwan, as a liberal, democratic and peace-loving country, is obliged to resolve international disputes through negotiations in line with international law and precedents and not use unilateral confrontational moves," Chen said.
Chen also said that Coast Guard Administration planned to build new bases on Pengjia to facilitate patrol missions and the monitoring of oil exploration disputes among neighboring countries, including Japan, China and South Korea, as well as expanding its policing area and providing better protection for fishermen.
The ownership of Pengjia is not disputed but there are competing claims to maritime areas between Pengjia and the Diaoyutais.
As part of a monument-unveiling ceremony in the islet, the president autographed copies of a new book published by the Coast Guard Administration to provide information about Taiwan's territorial waters and 200-mile exclusive economic zone.
The only one inhabited out of the three islets, Pengjia is guarded by military personnel and coast guard officers.
Published on Taipei Times :

回不去了… 邱毅看《犀利人妻》想起前妻感傷落淚

,似乎忘記了《犀利人妻》原創自sanlih and ttv

2011年4月17日 00:00

隋棠和宥勝最後沒有在《犀利人妻》中湊成一對,讓不少忠實觀眾大失所望。(圖/台視,資料畫面) .政治中心/綜合報導





中國賣牛、羊肉膏 豬肉可變牛、羊肉

【4/14 20:53】




施要小英說明性傾向 藍綠立委同批無聊

  【4/15 09:21】







上海爆黑心饅頭 回收染色貼"未來"標籤

2011-04-14 08:57:42
