
序言 Preface


  In September 2006, members of the opposition and a section of the media initiated a mass protest in Taipei. Called the Red-shirt Army, they resorted to any means possible to try to paralyze the government, and ultimately force President Chen Shui-bian to step down. The threat against President Chen and his government peaked on October 10, the National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan), when the Red-shirt Army, also called the Red Tide, interrupted President Chen’s address in front of hundreds of foreign guests and the general public, spoiling the celebrations. The international media and friends of Taiwan questioned the leniency with which President Chen handled the protesters. Many government supporters were also anxious that President Chen was not tough enough in his response, and that he should do more to prevent the mobs and the media from creating further social unrest.

  President Chen remained calm amid the political turmoil and was unwilling to take drastic action. “If I allowed this kind of internal chaos to rattle me, how then could I deal with the even bigger threat that China’s military poses to Taiwan?” Therefore, President Chen called for the government to continue operating normally, and for the military, police and public service agencies to go on performing their regular duties. He repeatedly urged the public to remain rational and to have faith in the government. His sober judgment and firm faith at that critical juncture are the hallmarks of a truly outstanding leader, and public calm was soon restored.

  President Chen has a legal background and is a firm believer in the rule of law. He understood well that clamping down on the protestors, as was being asked of him, was to risk losing in an instant the hard-won fruits of democracy in Taiwan. The people of Taiwan suffered untold hardships under authoritarian rule before achieving democracy. President Chen was determined not to let Taiwan slide back into authoritarian ways; rather, he wanted to lead the people of Taiwan in their march down the road to democracy, freedom, human rights and peace.

  Guided by such vision, President Chen and his party played a vital role in Taiwan’s first transfer of power in 2000. Four years later, in 2004, the people expressed their continuing faith in the administration by returning President Chen to power for a second term. Yet a seemingly endless string of local and international events over the last seven years has meant that Taiwan has barely had a moment to catch its breath. However, bolstered by the mandate given to him by the people, President Chen’s determination is unparalleled and he continues to lead his administration in working for the best interests of the Taiwan people.

  In 2003, he signed his name to the Referendum Act in order to further solidify democracy and place greater power in the hands of the people. The Act was another solid step forward to realize the universal value of popular sovereignty. In May 2005, the National Assembly was abolished and constitutional amendments relating to parliamentary reform were completed. In 2006, President Chen announced that the National Unification Guidelines ceased to apply, thus returning the right to decide Taiwan’s

  future to the 23 million people of Taiwan. Meanwhile, President Chen did not want Taiwan, one of the world’s emerging democracies, to be bound by an inappropriate and ill-fitting constitution. In order to allow Taiwan to become a great and normal nation sooner rather than later, he set about creating a new constitution that better reflects the people’s expectations.

  Foreign affairs have long been difficult for Taiwan, a fact that has never been truer since President Chen took office and China the past seven years. It also offers a look into the world from a Taiwan perspective. Just prior to the publishing of this book, the WHO Secretariat again rejected Taiwan’s application to join that organization, remarking that Taiwan is not a sovereign nation. However, according to the latest public opinion poll, 77% of the people of Taiwan support using the name “Taiwan” in its bids to join international organizations, whereas only 10% oppose this strategy. This proves that Taiwan-centric consciousness, which began taking root long ago in this land, has now firmly taken hold and is part of the mainstream way of thinking in Taiwan. It is Taiwan-centric consciousness that is the driving force in this country. While this is deeply gratifying for us, we hope that the international community will listen to the voice of the people of Taiwan, respect the defacto existence of Taiwan’s sovereignty and make the correct decisions accordingly.

  It is a fitting end to highlight the significance of this book by answering the question: what is the name of this nation? President Chen and the people of Taiwan both have the same answer: “Taiwan is our country, and the most beautiful and powerful name for it is Taiwan.”Preface









  這本《深耕台灣 迎向世界》中的影像與文字,具體的呈現了陳總統7年來對台灣前途的思考、對台灣社會的關注、以及從台灣來觀看世界的視野角度。時值圖文集出版前夕,WHO秘書處以「台灣不是一個主權國家」為由,封殺台灣的入會申請案。但根據一份最新的民意調查卻顯示,在台灣,絕大多數(77.3%)的民眾贊成以「台灣」名義申請加入國際組織,不贊成的民眾僅一成左右。這證明,台灣主體意識不但早就在這土地上萌芽生根,如今已經綠葉成蔭,蔚然成為台灣民意主流,成為推動台灣前進的動力。在我們感到欣慰的同時,也期待國際社會傾聽台灣人民的聲音,尊重這個客觀的事實,並做出正確的決定。

  最後,就像這本《深耕台灣 迎向世界》所顯示的意義,若要問我們的國家名字為何?陳總統與台灣人民一樣,都將大聲說出:「台灣是我們的國家,台灣更是我們最美麗、最有力的名字。」