
穿上中國外衣 東方明珠褪色

Hong Kong's baby-boom
Mamas without borders
Why more mainland Chinese women are rushing to give birth in Hong Kong

Aug 19th 2010 | Hong Kong

A LITTLE noticed tourist boom has been taking place in Hong Kong, as mothers-to-be flock to the city. Last year tourists from the mainland accounted for a striking 36% of all the babies born in the territory, a sharp rise on previous years, and the trend is resolutely upwards.

Mainlanders are noticing some obvious benefits of giving birth in Hong Kong. Perhaps most importantly, the one-child policy does not apply in the territory. Maternal treatment is also generally better, at least when weighed against stories of bad care and negligence in mainland hospitals, especially for those who fail to pay big bribes. And the welfare system in rabidly capitalist Hong Kong is more generous than on the Communist mainland. A child born in Hong Kong gets free education for 12 years and almost free medical care. Although local hospitals charge up-front (mainlanders pay at least HK$39,000, or $5,000, per birth), the longer-term gains make the cost worthwhile.

Such public benefits are also starting to draw others, including the elderly, the canniest of whom try to claim handouts in the city while living on the relatively cheaper mainland. Hong Kong’s authorities have tried to scotch this, for example by demanding that welfare applicants prove they have lived in Hong Kong for a year. But this requirement was struck down by a court in June, which ruled that it infringed (Hong Kong) citizens’ rights to travel freely.

Yet some may become reluctant to leave the city at all. The much-discussed fate of one Hong Kong resident has provided a cautionary tale: a woman who crossed the border to visit relatives in Shenzhen, on the mainland, gave birth prematurely, to twins. After shoddy treatment and bureaucratic misery she remains stranded, with her young children, unable to get back home to Hong Kong. It must be all the more galling, therefore, to see pregnant mainlanders rushing in.

2010-02-26PTS晚間新聞簽CEPA產業未回流 港勞被迫轉業!!!
"儘管台灣的金融業提前登陸佈局,等待ECFA商機,但鄰近的香港,則提供給我們一個 借鏡.香港在2003年與中國簽署了「更緊密經貿關係的安排」CEPA,原本同樣是希 望藉關稅優惠,鼓勵香港產業回流,但結果,香港的製造業不是紛紛轉到成本較低的中國設 廠,就是轉型為金融業,本地基層勞工的工作機會,大大減少,比較幸運的則轉到服務業, 但工資卻大不如前。
來到香港,高樓林立,可能是您的第一印象。因為面積不大,樓越蓋越高,房價也越是往上 飆,房地產交易熱絡,金融業也不寂寞。
香港從八○年代已從製造業轉型為金融業,沒了工廠,許多人也沒了工作,但就在2003 年香港和中國大陸簽定CEPA後,很多勞工又興起希望,以為產業會回流,但期待卻落空 了。
有了CEPA,更加速香港僅剩不多的產業北移到中國大陸,成本考量下,他們寧願捨棄香 港勞工、選擇工資較低的中國大陸工人,就算政府鼓勵回流,卻少有企業響應。
勞工團體幾次抗議,提出市場開放後,失業率攀升。但有學者指出,香港的失業問題並不能 完全怪CEPA。
香港政府並沒有訂定勞工的最低薪資,餐飲、銷售等服務業平均月薪六千到八千塊港幣,當 經濟結構轉型,可能帶走機會,卻也可能開啟另一道門,以香港的例子來看,求生存也必須 靠自己找活路。記者 王琪如 沈志明 香港採訪報導"