President Chen visited an exhibition hall in Green Island featuring the personal artifacts of political prisoners, and also attended the Green Island Human Rights Memorial Concert. Accompanied by beautiful music and songs, he paid his respects to the courageous individuals who had suffered in the White Terror period; and through the peaceful tunes, he prayed to the boundless ocean for the protection of democracy, freedom, and human rights in Taiwan.
President Chen receives the 2003 Human Rights Award from the International League for Human Rights in New York. The award is representative of the international validation that the people of Taiwan have received for decades of effort in the pursuit of democracy, freedom and human rights. It is also a reminder that we have assumed by destiny the duty of protecting human rights and of upholding international human rights principles.
During a campaign dubbed “Our Daughters- and Sons-in-Law”, organized by the Ministry of the Interior, President Chen remarked that “foreign spouses become a part of Taiwanese society when they marry into local families, and it is the government’s unavoidable duty to protect their human rights.” He also expressed his hope that “all new immigrants can enjoy their lives in Taiwan and become ‘Taiwan’s daughters- and sons-in-law.’”
While attending the inaugural ceremony of the Presidential Advisory Group on Human Rights, President Chen emphasized that “human rights, rule of law, and democracy are the three pillars of a modern country, and the protection of human rights is a measurement of the legitimacy of a constitutional democracy.”
出席「總統府人權諮詢小組」成立大會, 特別強調,人權、法治與民主,是現代國家缺一不可的三大支柱,而人權的維護,尤其是民主法治是否具有實質正當性的判準。
While attending the unveiling ceremony for the preparatory office of the National Human Rights Memorial Museum, President Chen pointed out that during the White Terror period, freedom and human rights—the pillars of any democratic constitution—were not only disregarded but brutally crushed. He added that founding the museum was one measure taken by the government in implementing the “educational aspect” of establishing Taiwan as “a nation founded on human rights principles.” Only when people fully understand how their predecessors struggled for human rights and for a democratic constitution can they protect their own human rights effectively.
President Chen attended a press conference at the opening of an exhibition entitled “Human Rights in Taiwan—A Retrospective” at the Office of the President. People from home and abroad, from all strata of society and different ethnic backgrounds, joined together in remembrance as they celebrated International Human Rights Day. Local victims and overseas aid workers were among those attending.
At an international conference on the themes of human rights and transitional justice in remembrance of the 60th anniversary of the February 28 Incident, President Chen described the incident as resulting “from an immigrant dictatorial regime’s (that of Chiang Kai-shek) complete rejection of freedom and democracy, and the grave harm an authoritarian party-state system caused to basic human rights.”
President Chen attended the opening ceremony of the Kaohsiung Incident Archive Exhibition. Here he can be seen carefully examining the various files. By displaying original files, the exhibition was a candid and faithful portrayal of history, providing the public with vivid and concrete insights into Taiwan’s democracy movements.
At the opening ceremony of a forum on decrypting official confidential files and uncovering historical facts, President Chen said, “It is a crucial task of the government to uncover historical truths and deal with the impact of the authoritarian period which continues to affect people to this day.” He went on to say, “It is important that the government speeds up the collection of relevant historical materials, and decrypts, de-classifies, and makes public confidential files on major political cases.”
On pages 331 and 332 of Documentary Collection on the Lei Chen Case in Selective Archives of the Ministry of National Defense, published by Adacemia Historica, it is clearly recorded that during a meeting to discuss the Lei Chen case at the Office of the President on October 8, 1960, President Chiang Kai-shek ordered that “Lei Chen’s prison term must be no shorter than ten years” and that “a renewed sentence must not overturn the initial verdict.” Clearly, Chiang Kai-shek interfered with the judiciary and the verdict was meted out without a fair trial.
由國史館發行之「雷震案史料彙編 國防部檔案選輯」第331、332頁,明文記載著四十九年十月八日在總統府集會商討雷震案由,蔣介石總統指示,雷之刑期不得少於十年及覆判不能變更初審判決。明顯介入司法,未審先判。
President Chen at the Ministry of National Defense’s briefing on findings from its investigation of existing materials on Lei Chen (1897-1979), a pioneer of democracy in Taiwan. In his address, the President said that our history comes to us through documentary files, personal accounts from individuals, and the observations and critiques of past thinkers. It follows that by investigating the existing materials on Lei Chen, our nation has documented history for future readers.
President Chen attended the first concert organized by the government to commemorate the political victims during the era of martial law and to mark the second presentation of “reputation-restoring” certificates to their family members. This event not only demonstrated the government’s courage in facing history but also its realization of “a nation built upon human rights principles.”
President Chen joined an activity called “A Return to the Longshan Temple to Pay Tribute to the Taiwan People” on the 20th anniversary of the lifting of martial law. The president said, “Lifting martial law rectified the government’s historical mistake lasting for 38 years and was not any previous government leaders’ magnanimous gesture or gift; instead, it was the people that called for the end of martial law because they had a right to it.”
President Chen joined an activity called “Singing Freely” that featured songs banned during the martial law period in Kaohsiung on the 20th anniversary of the lifting of martial law. He sang “Mama, Please Take Care of Yourself,” a banned song during the martial law period, with Vice President Lu, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu, Premier Chang Chun-hsiung, and former premier Frank Hsieh. The activity reminds people of the absurd period under martial law, during which the authoritarian government would ban anything that it felt unhappy with.
於高雄參加「自由歌唱 歌唱自由──解嚴20週年系列活動 禁歌禁曲演唱會」,並與呂副總統、陳菊市長、張俊雄院長、謝長廷前院長合唱戒嚴時期的禁歌「媽媽請你也保重」,凸顯過去威權政府「不爽就禁」的荒謬歷史。
Taiwan Post issued stamps to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the lifting of martial law. The stamps will carry the history of Taiwan people’s fight for freedom and democracy to every corner of the globe, sharing the people’s pride in Taiwan’s democracy and the spirit of freedom with the world.
President Chen attended the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition and a joint stamp issue ceremony at the Presidential Office marking the country’s democratic movements on the 20th anniversary of the lifting of martial law. The president said, “On this day 20 years ago, Taiwan’s martial law period, which lasted 38 years and is the longest in the world, was brought to an end. Taiwan’s forerunners of democratic movements had feared neither shedding their blood nor imprisonment in their persistent pursuit for freedom. The lifting of martial law is one of the Taiwan people’s hard-won democratic assets.”
An exhibition of publications banned during the martial law period in the National Central Library displayed a document issued by the Taiwan Garrison Command to ban Chen Shui-bian’s book The Journey of Tangwai in 1985. The excuses to ban the book were that it “confused public opinions to the extent that it had affected people’s morale” and that it “attempted to damage the government and people’s mutual affection.”
*“Tangwai,” which originally means “outside KMT” or “non-party, non-faction,” refers to people participating in opposition movements.
國家圖書館在「戒嚴時期查禁書刊展」中,展示1985年警備總部以「淆亂視聽足以影響民心士氣」及「挑撥政府與人民情感」為由,查禁總統的著作「黨外之路」一書。(國家圖書館 提供)
During a visit to an exhibition of publications banned during the martial law period in the National Central Library, President Chen and Vice President Lu watched closely the document issued by the Taiwan Garrison Command to ban Chen Shui-bian’s book The Journey of Tangwai.
At a symposium on the publication of the Report on the Responsibility for the 228 Incident, President Chen stressed that “it is only by uncovering historical facts that we can learn from our past and come to identify with our land and nation.”
The publishing of the Report on the Responsibility for the 228 Incident by the Memorial Foundation of the February 28th Incident not only reveals those responsible for the massacre, but also marks another step forward in Taiwan’s pursuit of justice.
As indicated on page 168, Chapter 3, of the Report on the Responsibility for the 228 Incident published by the Memorial Foundation of the February 28th Incident, Chiang Kai-shek was the perpetrator behind the massacre.
The Chinese characters on the tower of the Office of the President read, “All our people commemorate the February 28 Incident,” reminding the nation on the 60th anniversary of the incident to learn the lessons of the past and ensure such tragedies will never happen again.
二二八事件今年屆滿60週年,總統府也首度特別在塔樓上寫上「全民紀念二二八」,提醒國人同胞記取教訓,避免歷史重演。(中國時報/黃國書 提供)
President Chen has been unwavering in his belief in fairness and justice, and has vowed to fulfill the historical mission of pursuing transitional justice. Here he signs a proclamation of transitional justice, bearing witness to the 60th anniversary of the February 28 Incident along with tens of thousands of participants of all ages and from around the world. All those signatories shared the wishes of ethnic reconciliation, co-prosperity, and peaceful co-existence.
President Chen joined hands with members of the public in the “228 Hand-in-Hand Across Taiwan” Rally. Together they formed a circle in symbolic protection of democracy. With this simple yet warm gesture, the message that “we love Taiwan and desire peace” was sent to all our friends who care for Taiwan’s future. Million of people joined hand-in-hand from northernmost to southernmost of the island.
At this ceremony, President Chen observes a moment of silence with the other participants, remembering the democracy activists who sacrificed their precious lives for their ideals. He noted that eventually, fairness and justice will prevail, and that the sacrifices these victims made will never be forgotten.
President Chen stands by a plaque inscribed with the words, “Restoring the truth about the February 28 Incident” at a ceremony held by the central government commemorating the 60th anniversary of the tragedy. The President stated that the ceremony marked the beginning of a new phase. He emphasized that only when the truth is known can justice be served, and that future work will focus on finding out the perpetrators and bringing them to justice.
Chiayi City was among the cities that suffered the heaviest casualties during the February 28 Incident. President Chen laid wreaths in front of the city’s monuments commemorating the incident. Here, he pays his respects to the victims and their family members.
President Chen attended the plaque unveiling ceremony of the National 228 Memorial Museum. The President’s initiative helped bring about its construction, which represents an important milestone in Taiwan’s pursuit of “transitional justice.”
To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the February 28 Incident, the government issued the first batch of stamps bearing the name “Taiwan,” on the theme of the National 228 Memorial Musuem.
The writing outside the National 228 Memorial Museum reads “Division and Rebirth,” signifying that the people of Taiwan have transcended the pain and sorrow of the past and risen once more.
樹立在「二二八國家紀念館」前的「斷裂與再生」標語,象徵著台灣人民揮別傷痛與悲情,重新站起來。(財團法人二二八事件紀念基金會 提供)
The first batch of stamps bearing the name “Taiwan” was issued to make people around the world more aware of this beautiful country. People formed long queues to purchase the stamps, which were sold out within hours.
During a visit to the Kaohsiung Museum of History to attend an art exhibition on the February 28 Incident, President Chen listened attentively as victims’ family members explain the concepts behind their creations.
At an archive exhibition on the February 28 Incident held in Chiayi City, President Chen inspected the works of the Taiwanese artist Chen Cheng-po, who became famous during the Japanese occupation and died in the February 28 Incident.
Bringing the atmosphere to a climax at the “10,000 People Sing in Chorus” event commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the February 28 Incident, President Chen led the song entitled “Taiwan,” singing “ Taiwan is the motherland that gave birth to us; we deeply feel grateful to her. Devoting our love and passion to her, we must keep the flowers here blossoming in future generations….”
出席紀念二二八事件六十週年「228萬人大合唱」活動 。帶領現場民眾一起大合唱「台灣」這首歌,氣氛high到最高點。前四句歌詞是,「台灣是生咱的所在,感念感恩在阮心內,付出情意付出愛,代代花蕊代代栽……」。
On the eve of the election for the tenth-term president and vice president of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the cheers of hundreds of thousands of passionate supporters shook the Jhongshan Football Stadium [in Taipei] during the campaign rally, as everyone concentrated their efforts on winning the electoral battle that would lay the foundations for democracy. On the following day, Chen Shui-bian and Lu Hsiu-lien made history when they were successfully elected, resulting in the first transfer of power between political parties in Taiwan.
中華民國第十任總統、副總統大選前夕,民進黨造勢晚會中,數十萬熱情民眾的吶喊聲震動了整個中山足球場,大家為打贏這場為台灣民主奠基的選戰而努力。隔天,陳、呂二人果然順利當選,為中華民國首次的政黨輪替寫下歷史。(行政院新聞局、廖泰基 提供)
The moment the good news was announced that Chen Shui-bian and Lu Hsiu-lien had, respectively, been elected as the tenth-term president and vice president of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the masses gathering outside the campaign headquarters began their rejoicing.
當造勢活動現場宣佈陳水扁先生及呂秀蓮女士當選中華民國第十任總統、副總統的消息時,聚集於競選總部前的群眾歡欣鼓舞,相互擁抱。(行政院新聞局、廖泰基 提供)
President Chen wrote this letter to Premier Yu Shyi-kun of the Executive Yuan, regarding the provisions of the Referendum Act that he had approved for reconsideration by the Legislative Yuan.
The Legislative Yuan passed the Referendum Act on March 27, 2003. However, some provisions of the act, forcibly passed by opposition parties, are in clear violation of the Constitution. The Executive Yuan deemed it difficult of execution and submitted a request (pictured) to the President for a reconsideration of provisions in accordance with constitutional regulations. On December 12, 2003, the President signed the request with “approved.”
President Chen signed a letter to be handed to the Premier, regarding a national referendum to be held on March 20, 2004. Attached to the letter was a document stating the rationale for a referendum under the heading, “Writing history with democracy and protecting Taiwan through referendums.” It stated: “A referendum is an embodiment of the universality of democracy, allowing people their basic rights to be master of their destiny and decide the future development of their nation.”
President Chen attending a mass rally in Kaohsiung on October 25, 2003, with the theme, “1025 Rally for National Referendum and Hastening the Birth of a New Constitution.” Countless men and women, and people of all ages joined in the rally, demonstrating their support for democratic reforms through their action.