BBC shows Taiwan's national flag on Olympic section of website 2012/07/29 19:50:07 Taipei, July 29 (CNA) Taiwan's national flag may have been too controversial for an organizer of a flag display on Regent Street in London, but the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has shown no such qualms, using the country's flag on its Olympics website. Under pressure from Beijing and the International Olympic Committee, the Regent Street Association removed Taiwan's national flag from the flag display on Tuesday, replacing it later with the flag used by Taiwan at the Olympics and other international sporting events after the removal sparked an outcry. The BBC, however, is using Taiwan's national flag on website pages introducing Taiwan and its Olympic athletes, though it does identify Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei," the name formally adopted in 1981 to allow Taiwan to participate in the Olympic Games. The BBC also lists Taiwan in a different order than the International Olympic Committee in its alphabetic list of participating countries, placing "Chinese Taipei" immediately after China. On the official page of the Olympics website, Taiwan is listed under "T" for Taipei, keeping it distant from China. (By Nell Shen) 各國雅虎都稱「台灣」 只台灣雅虎稱「中華台北」 | ETtoday體育新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 ▼台灣雅虎的奧運版在青天白日滿地紅logo旁,註明的是「中華台北」。(圖/取自臉書,原圖作者Medea Huang)
不怕打壓! 外媒播奧運:台灣=國家
] [CG :M42012-08-09 19:27:25楊淑君這回在倫敦奧運奪金失利,讓台灣民眾感到可惜,不過昨天(8號)英國電視台BBC在播報台灣代表隊賽事時,主播提及中華台北代表隊,特地花了一些時間解釋,中華台北其實是台灣,是一個國家,還是個美麗的島嶼,再回想起奧運開幕當天,美國媒體也稱呼中華台北為台灣,讓台灣人直覺窩心。
BBC shows Taiwan's national flag on Olympic section of website 2012/07/29 19:50:07 Taipei, July 29 (CNA) Taiwan's national flag may have been too controversial for an organizer of a flag display on Regent Street in London, but the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has shown no such qualms, using the country's flag on its Olympics website. Under pressure from Beijing and the International Olympic Committee, the Regent Street Association removed Taiwan's national flag from the flag display on Tuesday, replacing it later with the flag used by Taiwan at the Olympics and other international sporting events after the removal sparked an outcry. The BBC, however, is using Taiwan's national flag on website pages introducing Taiwan and its Olympic athletes, though it does identify Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei," the name formally adopted in 1981 to allow Taiwan to participate in the Olympic Games. The BBC also lists Taiwan in a different order than the International Olympic Committee in its alphabetic list of participating countries, placing "Chinese Taipei" immediately after China. On the official page of the Olympics website, Taiwan is listed under "T" for Taipei, keeping it distant from China. (By Nell Shen) 各國雅虎都稱「台灣」 只台灣雅虎稱「中華台北」 | ETtoday體育新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 ▼台灣雅虎的奧運版在青天白日滿地紅logo旁,註明的是「中華台北」。(圖/取自臉書,原圖作者Medea Huang)
BBC shows Taiwan's national flag on Olympic section of website 2012/07/29 19:50:07 Taipei, July 29 (CNA) Taiwan's national flag may have been too controversial for an organizer of a flag display on Regent Street in London, but the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has shown no such qualms, using the country's flag on its Olympics website. Under pressure from Beijing and the International Olympic Committee, the Regent Street Association removed Taiwan's national flag from the flag display on Tuesday, replacing it later with the flag used by Taiwan at the Olympics and other international sporting events after the removal sparked an outcry. The BBC, however, is using Taiwan's national flag on website pages introducing Taiwan and its Olympic athletes, though it does identify Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei," the name formally adopted in 1981 to allow Taiwan to participate in the Olympic Games. The BBC also lists Taiwan in a different order than the International Olympic Committee in its alphabetic list of participating countries, placing "Chinese Taipei" immediately after China. On the official page of the Olympics website, Taiwan is listed under "T" for Taipei, keeping it distant from China. (By Nell Shen) 各國雅虎都稱「台灣」 只台灣雅虎稱「中華台北」 | ETtoday體育新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 ▼台灣雅虎的奧運版在青天白日滿地紅logo旁,註明的是「中華台北」。(圖/取自臉書,原圖作者Medea Huang)
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